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Pawleys Cars
2009 Highmarket St
Georgetown, SC .01
Phone: 843 833-8607 or 843 591-8513

2000 Ford F150 White

2000 Ford F150 White for sale in Georgetown, SC

Estimate Payments

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Estimated Payments

Per Month

This is an estimation of your payments based on the information provided. Your payment amount and terms may vary due to factors such as credit score, available interest rates, and additional items. Please contact us for actual payment terms.

Quick Contact

Our Price: $3,600

Call Today: (843) 833-8607

Vehicle Specs
Fuel Type:
Stock Number:

Vehicle Location

Pawleys Cars
Contact: Ed
Phone: (843) 833-8607


Vehicle Equipment and Warranty
Warranty Info:
Call us for information on a warranty for this vehicle

* While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the vehicle data, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify information, pricing, and availability with a dealership sales representative. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale.